Family Tree

Grandpop Sciarappa was born in Orsara, Italy in 1883 where he worked on a family farm. Records from Ellis Island shows that Fidelo Sciarappa entered Ellis Island in 1905 to visit in-law 'Leonardo' at 707 Alton Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Fidelo's parents are Michele (male) and Maria Rosa Fatibene of Osara married in 1876. Michele (male) Sciarappa's parents were Antonio and Celestina (Curcio?) of Osara, married in 1928. Antonio Sciarappa's (born 1803) parents are Francesco and Carmina (?)
Fidelo's draft card in the United States was registered in 1918 with the address of 502 Main Street in Bradley Beach.
Fidelo's marriage to Maria Donato (Tutumalia?) produced six brothers and six sisters in Bradley Beach.
Searching through the ancestry of the Mormons in Utah, Mike Lewis Sciarappa discovered some old Italian records on microfische that were pretty blurry, but are scanned for your translation and information. These Italian records include Grandpop's second marriage after Maria passed away. While his name is listed as Fedele (probably an error) the marriage occured on February 6th, 1950 in Osara diPuglia to De Felice Maria Guiseppina. Following that page are the marriage records of Fidelo's parents (Michele & Maria) and his grandparents (Antonio & Celestina) Sciarappa married 1828.